Someone recommended this site to me some time ago, but I never got around to checking it out. I happened to run across a link to it today and clicked. I've seen enough of the site that I'm pretty sure people here would like it, or might want to recommend it to someone, so I am posting the link. Right now I'm working some pretty crazy hours and don't have much time to explore cool things online. (That time could be spent sleeping, you know! I'm really thinking I might need to check out that Church of the Restful Sabbath Demetrius speaks so highly of some Sunday...) Anyway, check out some of the links on the page--I'd love to hear what you find there that's of interest. Here is the Manifesto from the site...
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 9:39 PM
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Update: is now functional.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:35 AM
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Hope's short life could easily have ended without many people knowing that she had ever lived. She easily could have been just another statistic, were it not for the fact that her mother, Kimmy, was a tireless activist who had organized thousands of volunteers and was beloved by an online community that truly thought of her as family.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:31 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
jjem wrote this letter to the editor and made it available to others who wanted to edit and send it to newspapers. Here is the version Oscar in Louisville sent to the New York Times, in response to an article about John Kerry criticizing Bush's record and promising patients' rights.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 6:32 PM
Demetrius wrote the following in the comments at The Village Gate. I want to share it with you here as well...
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 5:50 PM
There is a new web site up called Hope for Healthcare, in honor of Kimmy's little girl who was born too soon.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 5:33 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
A brief reminder that you are invited to join in a common time of meditation, affirmation, prayer or reflection each evening at 8:30 Eastern Time. I introduced the idea here and expanded and clarified here. I offer the following excerpt as another source of reflection during your quiet time, no matter when you manage to squeeze it in.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 8:10 PM
Monday, June 21, 2004
Happy Summer Solstice!
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 11:16 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2004
The cool thing about the internet, is that so often while I am looking for one thing, I stumble upon something I hadn't been looking for, but that I might never have found if not for that search. It happened again last night, when I was searching for sites about the meaning of Our Lady of Guadalupe and found this:
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 9:20 AM
Friday, June 18, 2004
Yesterday, I invited you to "Join Americans of all faiths by praying, meditating, or affirming the kind of country we want to become, each evening at 8:30 p.m. Eastern time.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 6:19 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Note: the following was inspired by the very partisan Presidential Prayer Team's latest effort, Pray the Vote. Rather than saying something negative about the PPT, I wanted to think of a positive, inclusive alternative.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 7:52 PM
Monday, June 14, 2004
I just found out this morning that the National Hip-Hop Political Convention will be taking place in Newark, N.J. from June 16-19.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 11:03 PM
I posted the bulk of John Kerry--pick up the clue phone! at an anti-Bush web forum called The Smirking Chimp. I left off the religious part (the first three paragraphs) and posted essentially the same thing you can see over at the Dean Leaders blog, with the same hopeful, positive ending. So I was more than a little bit surprised to get this from the "board nanny".
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 4:30 PM
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
I just found out about this web site--thought it might be of interest:
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:49 PM
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
I was so glad to find this article in Sojourners. No one ever talks about the fact that there are people who are "pro-life" without buying the whole anti-gay, pro-death penalty conservative package that often is assumed to go along with a pro-life stance. I may be an anomaly, but I'm not alone!
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 11:45 AM
Monday, June 07, 2004
I just saw this posted in the comments of another blog and thought I'd share:
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 11:28 PM
Saturday, June 05, 2004
"Think God"
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:23 PM
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
So, what is a religion anyway? I remembered something that Forrest Church had written, but had to Google to make sure I got it right. Here it is:
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 1:38 PM