Monday, February 23, 2004

I have mentioned here from time to time that my husband and I are grassroots volunteers for the Howard Dean campaign. Being involved in politics is rather out of character for me, and it is not something I bring up most of the time. It was even hard for me to bring myself to wear a button, but I finally put one on a couple months ago--after half a year of active involvement in the campaign. But I feel I have to mention it now, or write nothing at all, because it is what weighs most heavily on my heart right now. I have never cared so much, believed so deeply, or fought so hard for something before.

But I felt called, and, having promised myself to always follow "God's Clues", whatever I perceived them to be, I threw myself into this work completely. It was more than I ever bargained for. We have worked hard, and met many wonderful, inspiring people, but we have also had to fight this battle on more fronts than we could have imagined. The most difficult opponent has been the corporate media, because it truly does have the power to "disappear" us no matter how much we cry "We are here! We are here! We are here!"

The latest indignity was an article in a local paper. The official Ohio grassroots leader, who jumped ship for a different candidate, and then switched to another, is portraying himself as the voice of the Ohio grassroots. The press is more than happy to tell the story his way, leading readers to believe that we, as a group, are transferring our "energy and enthusiasm" to another candidate.

But that is not what we are doing. My husband and I, and many other grassroots supporters, are working to do what Howard Dean asked us to do when he suspended (not ended) his campaign. We are working let people know that Howard Dean is still on the ballot, and that votes for him can still send delegates to the Democratic convention. None of the other candidates speaks for us, and this is the only way to be assured that we still have a voice.

How can we, as individuals, actually do that, if the powerful voice of the media is telling a different story? Believe me, I have tried--many of us have tried--to get people to tell our story, but to no avail.

I don't have an answer, but I pray that an answer will come. I have had some song lyrics in my head for the past couple days. I could only remember little snippets of the song, so I searched for the lyrics:

By eric clapton and stephen bishop

Holy mother, where are you?
Tonight I feel broken in two.
I’ve seen the stars fall from the sky.
Holy mother, can’t keep from crying.

Oh I need your help this time,
Get me through this lonely night.
Tell me please which way to turn
To find myself again.

Holy mother, hear my prayer,
Somehow I know you’re still there.
Send me please some peace of mind;
Take away this pain.

I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait any longer.
I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait for you.

Holy mother, hear my cry,
I’ve cursed your name a thousand times.
I’ve felt the anger running through my soul;
All I need is a hand to hold.

Oh I feel the end has come,
No longer my legs will run.
You know I would rather be
In your arms tonight.

When my hands no longer play,
My voice is still, I fade away.
Holy mother, then I’ll be
Lying in, safe within your arms

Saturday, February 14, 2004

In defense of Biblical marriage

The Presidential Prayer Team is currently urging us to: "Pray for the President as he seeks wisdom on how to legally codify the definition of marriage.." So here, in support of the Prayer Team's admirable goals, is a proposed Constitutional Amendment codifying marriage entirely on biblical principles:

A. Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5)

B. Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21)

C. A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut 22:13-21)

D. Marriage of a believer and a non-believer shall be forbidden. (Gen 24:3; Num 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Neh 10:30)

E. Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deut 22:19; Mark 10:9)

F. If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut 25:5-10)

G. In lieu of marriage, if there are no acceptable men in your town, it is required that you get your dad drunk and have sex with him (even if he had previously offered you up as a sex toy to men young and old), tag-teaming with any sisters you may have. Of course, this rule applies only if you are female. (Gen 19:31-36)

from "left coast jane"

Thursday, February 12, 2004

An imaginary conversation between myself and John F. Kerry

This is completely imaginary because John Kerry will never deign to speak to a lesser mortal such as myself. I know this because I have tried to reach him. I always try--make a real effort--before I write someone off as beyond hope.

I have tried very hard to maintain a tenuous balance for the past 8 months. I have been throwing myself into this campaign, fully supporting Howard Dean and doing whatever was in my power to help get him elected--while at the same time always aware that I might eventually have to vote for one of the other Democrats in the race in the general election. On the outside, people can easily see what I am doing in support of this campaign. What people can't see is that all the while I have *also* been making a continuous, concerted effort not to despise one of the other candidates so much that I felt unable to vote for him or her in the general election.

Kerry has not made this easy, but I have done what I could. When I read the news articles that he and Gephardt were coordinating their efforts in a "tag-team" attack against Howard Dean, I wrote letters to each of them, politely and sincerely asking them to reconsider their approach. I warned that their actions would make it difficult for many of us to support them if one of them became the nominee, but that it was very important to get Bush out of office, so could they kindly stop.

From Gephardt I received no acknowledgement at all. From the Kerry campaign, one month after my letter, I received a form letter thanking me for my letter, telling me what a great guy Kerry is, and asking me to send money to his campaign. Those requests for donations went on for quite a while, incidentally, as I had trouble getting off of his mailing list.

I have never even voted in a primary election before, let alone actually been involved months in advance. Unfortunately, this means I have seen first hand a lot of ugly details that most Americans have not. I *saw* him, in effect, beat up my candidate and steal his message. I know that he is one of the people behind vicious attack ads against Howard Dean. I know that one of the people with whom he coordinated these attacks (Gephardt)has since dropped out of the race and endorsed him.

So, the press repeats the mantra that Kerry is electable, and, in an ongoing call and response with the public, has polled the American public into agreeing with them (Kerry is electable, Kerry is electable--are you getting this? There will be a quiz later...)It is working. What can I do?

I imagine myself having this conversation with John Kerry...

"Stop it! Stop acting like this, or I'll--"
"You'll what?" he sneers arrogantly.

He's got me. I know that. He knows how desperately I want to get Bush out of office, for the good of the country and the world. He has all the cards, though I know he has played a dirty game--aided and abetted by the DNC and the corporate media.

"I'll---vote for you in November but feel really sick about it," I answer softly.

It is in this context that I once again find myself in awe of Howard Dean's courage. He is speaking the bold, uncensored truth--that which many of us are saying to each other but are never heard in the press. He has actually addressed the latest news, which many of us have been discussing in the blog:

"Seizing on a fresh report about the financing of critical ads, Democrat Howard Dean assailed front-runner John Kerry (news - web sites) on Wednesday for being part of "the corrupt political culture in Washington."

Struggling to right his winless campaign, Dean focused on the disclosure that former Sen. Bob Torricelli, who now raises money for Kerry, donated $50,000 to an independent group that ran controversial ads in three early-voting states.

One commercial showed terrorist leader Osama bin Laden as the group sought to raise doubts about Dean's national security credentials. Other spots focused on Dean's previous support of NAFTA, his past comments supporting slowing the growth of Medicare and his eight endorsements by the National Rifle Association while he was governor of Vermont.

"The link is unassailable," Dean said, describing Torricelli as "ethically challenged." Amid an ethics scandal, Torricelli quit his 2002 re-election bid five weeks before Election Day.

Torricelli declined to comment.

Nearly all the donors to Americans for Jobs, Healthcare and Progressive Values were backers of Dean rival Dick Gephardt the Missouri congressman who staked his candidacy on Iowa and was in a head-to-head battle with Dean there weeks ago.

"What we now see is John Kerry is part of the corrupt political culture in Washington," Dean told The Associated Press in an interview. "That's exactly what I'm asking Wisconsin voters to stand up against."

That took tremendous courage, in the bizarre political culture that rewards style over substance, brutally punishing any true honesty. And it is absolutely true.

On the same day he criticized Kerry's links to the ads, Dean said John Edwards would be a better candidate against President Bush in the general election.

"I think that Senator Kerry has an enormous advantage. My fear is that he (Kerry) won't be the strongest Democratic candidate," Dean told CBS News in an interview to air Wednesday night. "I've actually said on the record that I thought Senator Edwards would be a stronger candidate against George W. Bush than John Kerry because when Senator Kerry's record is examined by the public at a more leisurely time when we're not having primaries every week he's going to turn out to be just like George Bush."

Wow. I can't help thinking of the biblical story of Solomon, in which the contested infant's true mother revealed herself, by saying she would surrender her son to the other woman rather than see him destroyed. Howard Dean, in his recent remarks that will no doubt be parsed, and spun, has similarly shown us that he is the true patriot. He knows what is at stake, and, as someone who is genuinely in this election for the good of this country, candidly told the truth about the relative merits and electability of two of his opponents.

So, is there still hope for his campaign? Only if the American voters can find in themselves the wisdom of Solomon.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Moral Mob Mauled Blind by Janet's Areola Borealis

Wow--quite a title, there! That's why I stopped to read it, even though I was scanning Common Dreams for articles about the Democratic primary. I was trying to find the article about why it's too soon to be thinking in such "practical" terms about a general election that won't occur until it is almost next winter. But then I read this article, and it really expressed much of what is troubling about they way Americans "think"--or perhaps, don't think. At least not deeply enough. We don't just take in too much fast food--we take in too much "fast news". Now that I think about it, the reasons are pretty similar. Anything else seems to time consuming--too overwhelming--given our stressed, busy lives.
This country hops between the Puritan and the whorish faster than Jim Bakker could unzip his pants off camera. It explains how the nation's moral mob could howl at the only glimpse of something natural in the whole halftime spectacle at the Superbowl while finding nothing offensive in the simulated orgy that had preceded it. We are the dirtiest-minded nation on Earth, peddling the sluttish and the puerile in every other frame out of Hollywood and Madison Avenue. We dress up kiddie porn in leather and croons and call it pop. We accuse a president of sneaking in a couple of pitiful extracurricular dates when the whole culture is stuck on winks and nudges. Yet when a woman's breast appears on national television for less time than it takes to say boo, we revert to being what we are most at our worst, what H.L. Mencken summed up in one word: boobs.

It's really too bad, given the seeming progress of the last few decades when words like "breast cancer" could finally be uttered without someone's obligatory titters (and when the disease could be treated more honestly), when breastfeeding is increasingly esteemed and decreasingly segregated, when women's bodies have, here and there anyway, been less worshipped than respected. The message from the Superbowl is: The breast, and by extension female "virtue," is still a political football. Two Sundays ago it was picked up, pounced on by variously opportunistic lechers, and used to score the only touchdown that counted. Score another one for the conservative rollback to Ozzie and Harriet's imaginary values.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Check out the Interfaith Alliance Media Roundup--a report on the use of religion in the 2004 elections.