As I mentioned, maybe somewhat miss-ably (since someone told me that they came to this blog looking for the link and missed it) I have put together a fact sheet about the teaching of Jesus compared to the actions of Bush. What I would really like is a different picture of Jesus. The one I am using was really meant as a place holder so that I could get on with the business of laying out the page and filling in the details. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'd like something where Jesus looks like a "real" person, connecting with us. Something with him teaching, maybe? |
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:41 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Dierdre Pike of The Reno News and Review just recently did a cover story called Left Behind: The Democratic Party may be missing its chance to exploit religious liberals The author wrote me to let me know that she had included a quote from this blog.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 4:14 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2003
So I was driving home from church today, and I encountered a new church sign: "God called while you were out. He wants you to call him back."
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 10:08 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2003
Just found this through Talk Left. It's a blog called Baghdad Burning, and it is written by a woman in Iraq. I have only skimmed it so far, but it looks like it could provide us with some much needed insights that we don't get from the American media. |
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 8:27 PM
It has been amazing to see the story of Sally Baron spread throughout the left-leaning web sites so quickly. We could easily never have heard of her, except that her family chose to add the words: "Memorials in her honor can be made to any organization working for the removal of President Bush."
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:23 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2003
In the current issue of Sojourner's, there is an article by Jim Wallis called "Dangerous Religion: George W. Bush's Theology of Empire":
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:49 AM
Saturday, August 09, 2003
We have another round of perplexing church marquee signs near my neighborhood. One that I pass reads "That 'love one another' thing--I meant it" God". Good. I approve. Then, on the other side, "You think it's hot here? God"
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 7:04 PM
Monday, August 04, 2003
The invisible hand of God
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 1:46 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2003
I just ran across a good article discussing Bush's version of Chritianity. The article is called Bush's "Christian" Blood Cult. The whole article is worth reading, but here is one passage of interest:
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 12:06 AM