On Friday, January 21, I wrote, in reaction to Dr. James Dobson's anti-SpongeBob anti-tolerance remarks (that he was somehow in a position to make, and be taken seriously at a black-tie inaugural dinner):
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 9:29 PM
Friday, January 28, 2005
I have a blog entry at The Village Gate entitled "Speaking Up for Tolerance" that mentions the SpongeBob flap as well as the PBS program that was censored because it involved a family with two moms who make maple syrup.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 8:29 PM
Monday, January 24, 2005
I hate to give any additional attention to the hate-based perversion of Christianity espoused by James Dobson of Focus on the Family, especially now that the SpongeBob flap has become yesterday's news. But, at the same time, while this is fresh in my mind, I wanted to address some issues this raises for religious progressives. For anyone who somehow missed this story, Keith Olbermann did a segment on it on Friday. Click here to read his column about Dobson's remarks and the children's video to which he was referrning. And click here to read the statement given on the Focus on the Family web site as to why James Dobson and his organization are publicly denouncing a children's video designed to promote tolerance.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 5:17 PM
Friday, January 21, 2005
Yesterday we heard about James Dobson and, er, shall we call it Spongegate? No--that would be taking his words far more seriously than they deserve to be. I had a bit of fun myself, speculating on where these right-wing ideas about characters like Tinky Winky and Spongebob might originate. Today I read Keith Olbermann's column, Will Spongebob make you gay? and watched the video that Dobson claimed, as reported in Olbermann's column "had been included in a pro-homosexual video which was to be mailed to thousands of elementary schools to push a tolerance pledge by kids, including tolerance of differences of what Dr. Dobson called "sexual identity.""
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 8:00 PM
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Has everyone here heard about BlogPac? I've been seeing the name here and there, but hadn't had a chance to really look into it. Howard Dean recently did a conference call with them. Being a longtime "Deaniac", I took notice. But I didn't really decide I needed to look into this thing until I saw their latest effort:
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 10:31 AM
Monday, January 17, 2005
I have a diary on Kos today about Rep. John Conyers and the legacy of MLK. At the end of the diary, I have linked to other King-inspired diaries that were posted this weekend. One of the diaries, A Little Inspiration on Dr. King's Birthday, links to the mug shots of both Dr. King and Rosa Parks, which can be found on The Smoking Gun web site. When a commenter noted, "I don't want to see them like that", storwino, the blogger who wrote the diary responded,
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 1:58 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2005
I love this quote. I haven't read it for a while, but I just found it again when I was searching for a sermon I heard Rev. Mark Belletini give at First Unitarian Universalist Church several years ago, entitled Dr. Martin Luther King's Theology. I love it because it is full of hope *and* it speaks of such a radically different kind of mandate than the one Bush claims.
Posted by Renee in Ohio at 1:04 AM